12/17/2021 / By Matthew Davis
Media ecologist James Martinez confirmed the sexual exploitation of children by at least 10 employees and contractors of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) as reported by Buzzfeed News recently.
“That’s totally 100 percent true,” said Martinez, who hid his visual identity while answering questions from Mike Adams during the Dec. 9 episode of the “Health Ranger Report” on Brighteon.TV.
“The DOJ [Department of Justice] covered up the pedophiles in the CIA , so that that’s been breaking big over the last couple of days where there’s all this child porn on the computers of the CIA operatives, on government computers, they were all busted, they were caught trying to meet children for encounters or for trafficking, or what have you. And the government just pulled the card, like you just said national security,” said Adams, noting that Buzzfeed News did a deep dive into the coverup of pedophiles in the CIA. (Related: CIA pedos walk free after DOJ refuses to prosecute: FOIA.)
America’s secret service agency has believable information about the child sexual exploitation by employees and contractors in the past 14 years. Only one personnel was indicted while the others were subjected to a probe.
Three lawsuits filed under the Freedom of Information Act and 13 public records requested were accessed to get the information. Buzzfeed News found that the CIA wanted to handle the cases internally to ensure that the child sexual offenders would get away with job loss or security clearance. The CIA’s handling of the cases was also way different from other U.S. federal agencies.
According to sources, the CIA protects its employees to prevent loss of control over delicate information. Detailed cases of sexual abuse were submitted to the agency’s Office of the Inspector General.
A case confirmed that an employee was found guilty of making sexual contact with a six-year-old child and a two-year-old toddler. Another case affirmed that a CIA official bought three explicit videos of young girls that were shot by their mothers while an employee was found to have viewed over 1,400 child sexual abuse images while on duty.
Martinez, who is a radio communications and behavior modification pioneer, also gave insights on the mind control operations done by covert government bureaus.
“Some of them are afraid that their patients will kill them. Because the way they set this up, they’ve got booby traps inside the behavioral software they installed when they’re in a program, which is the perfection of behavior modification started in World War Two. And we knew all about this at the beginning,” said Martinez, a pioneer in the fields of disruptive technologies and effects on culture and human awareness.
When asked how behavioral software is installed on people, Martinez explained: “We covered in the book how the cult network and the CIA is very interested in cults because they’re interested in behavior, cohesion, and how groups stay together and how that’s maintained for group control for political purposes. ”
“And it’s a great way to test out various drugs, hypnosis, and so forth, which had been going on and cults all over the United States, including the satanist and all the things that people are hearing about that have been going on for a long, long time.
“This is what’s happening you got to get in and access that original host that is in charge of that personality to even go anywhere near any of that stuff. It’s as if they’ve set up booby traps so that when psychologists and shrinks go in and try to access all these, they have to find out who they are, what relationship they have to each other, who’s that, who’s in charge.”
Martinez added that omicron is a trigger word that was put in young children, middle aged adults and programmers.
Adams took note of omicron as a trigger word and pointed out that it might be a part of Operation Mind Control that causes people to take over a school bus and ram cars or commit mass shooting.
“We saw a guy with a shotgun under his chin in front of the UN [United Nations] building in New York City. We saw this mass shooting in this mission, I think it was a Michigan school or this 15-year-old kid shot up a bunch of people. Is this a sign that omicron is a trigger?” Adams said.
Martinez told Adams that the New World Order, as a language pattern, was inserted in people in the early ’90s. “They’re inserting this language to essentially create an underslaved class of robotic workers that will carry out their dirty deeds,” Martinez said.
Watch the full Dec. 9 episode of “Health Ranger Report” with James Martinez on Brighteon.TV.
Catch “Health Ranger Report” from Monday to Friday at 3-3:30 p.m. on Brighteon. TV.
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Tagged Under: big government, Child abuse, CIA, conspiracy, coverup, deception, enslaved, evil, mind control, Operation Mind Control, pedophile, sexual misconduct, trafficking, traitors