By Jayson Veley
MEDICAL POLICE STATE: Dentists to start calling police on parents if they don’t schedule dental appointments for their children
America has come a long way since 1776. What was once a nation centered on the principles of individualism and self-governance has turned into a nanny state, whereby the people are told what to do and how to do it. Sadly, it appears to be getting worse, not better. Just days ago, mom Trey Hoyumpa […]
By Jayson Veley
Mother reported to child services for “oral neglect” for switching child’s dentist
There are a number of things that could get you a visit from child protective services. Forgetting to feed your kids for three days straight, for example, would undoubtedly result in the CPS knocking on your front door. The same goes for doing physical harm to your children and just generally not carrying out your […]
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