News & Articles By S.D. Wells
By S.D. Wells
Corporate media pushes deceptive “Inflation hits 3-year low” headlines, which is like saying “internal bleeding at a 3-year low”
Across the nation, nearly every newspaper, Leftist website and tv news pundit is spewing the same headline, “Inflation hits 3-year low.” This requires careful consideration, as it is merely propaganda and a cover story for the worst economy the U.S. has seen in a century. Let’s take an inside look at reality. In 2020, U.S. average […]
By S.D. Wells
Communist-funded vaccine incentives plan used in Walz’s Minnesota plandemic may be NATIONWIDE SCAM to vax to death children for “Bird Flu” in 2025
Who wants a government-funded “incentive” to poison themselves? Step right up and get your $200 visa gift cards and college scholarships for all kids ages 5 – 11 who get the next scamdemic mRNA nanoparticle jabs that cause heart attacks, strokes, infertility, turbo cancer, deranged thinking, loss of appetite and 3-foot-long vascular clots. That’s exactly […]
By S.D. Wells
Top 10 authentic American DREAMS that will get OBLITERATED should the Communist-controlled Democrat Party steal the November elections
America was founded on certain principles and natural rights. The Founding Fathers understood the value of the pursuit of happiness and incorporated it into the Declaration of Independence. This “pursuit” was about lifelong virtue, not short-term pleasure. Today, in the USA, corporations have a stranglehold on most small-to-medium-sized businesses, and the ones still standing are […]
By S.D. Wells
KAMALANOMICS is COMMUNISM: From Commie-Obama to CCP-puppet-Biden, down to the dregs of a Marxist shill, meet Komiella the HUN
Take note as America is quickly morphing by coercion into a socialist infrastructure, which is the most direct and methodical path to full-blown communism. Bernie Sanders wanted it badly for this nation, but he was cheated out of his running spot by the Clinton Crime Family. Now the disease is back with a vengeance, and […]
By S.D. Wells
Top 10 Democrat platforms they will wish they had NEVER voted for should the Extremist-Liberal-Communists stay in power for another term
Trump Derangement Syndrome has never run more amuck than it is right now. Liberals are so brainwashed to hate Trump and all his supporters so much that they cannot even see they are about to vote away their own rights, health, safety and livelihood. How so? Well, that’s easy. Just take a good look at […]
By S.D. Wells
Full-blown Marxism and the GRAND ILLUSION of Kamala’s popularity
When a band, a show, or public speaker is not popular, but media wants to make it appear that way, the simple “solution” is to squeeze what audience you do have to the front and center, then only take pictures and video framing the “crowded” area. It also helps to give the audience free booze […]
By S.D. Wells
Coming to America: Opposing illegal immigration, climate change, or mRNA vaccination to be considered THOUGHT CRIMES punishable by prison time
In overwhelming increments, communism is being installed in America, whether you realize it or not. It’s a war of attrition, and the communists are winning, and winning fast. Take a good look at what’s happening under similar governments around the world, because surely the USA is next, according to the commie formula for erasing democracy […]
By S.D. Wells
KAMILLA THE HUN to take over America? Get ready for Kamala-Care (like Obamacare), open borders and a new world war waged by Big Pharma and the Communists in DC
Did you know that the communist ruler Attila the Hun killed his own brother to grab tyrannical power for himself? It’s true. Though one cannot kill a corpse, metaphorically Kamala killed Biden by taking his throne by force. Should Kamilla the Hun and her new sidekick Warlord Walz (the newborn baby killer) want to turn […]
By S.D. Wells
GENDER-BENDER INSURRECTION: Get ready for the QUEER CAUCUS of Minnesota to try to “transition” the entire nation if Harris and Walz steal the election
Welcome to the wars, on terror, health, drugs, CO2, the Constitution, elections and the nuclear family. Believe or not, there is a war for “gender-affirming healthcare” in the United States, which means queers want children and teens to be able to choose genitalia mutilation surgery and chemical castration drugs without any hinderances, including parental consent. […]
By S.D. Wells
“VACCINES” REDEFINED: CDC had to change the definition of “vaccines” so that mRNA would not be discredited by its own description
The Trojan Horse of ‘vaccinations’ is the mRNA jab, where your cells are ‘broken into’ and re-instructed to produce billions of microscopic virus clone particles that can stick together anywhere in the vascular system, cleansing organs or the brain. There is NOTHING like this in the history of vaccinations. Now, these virus clones are scientifically […]
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