News & Articles By S.D. Wells
By S.D. Wells
Top 5 ways Americans are forced to subsidize their own demise
Americans expect their taxes to pay for things that improve their living conditions, not destroy them. Why would anyone forfeit a fourth (or more) of their paycheck to subsidize their own early death? Why would anyone pay money from their paycheck to help other people steal their job? What most Americans fail to realize is […]
By S.D. Wells
AI systems have “hallucinations” because they are trained and programmed by liberals who think a MAN can become a WOMAN
Artificial intelligence systems, or “AI,” are producing completely unreliable “computations” due to several factors, including false inputs and politically-motivated irregularities that are purposely woven into the systems. Due to all of this, AI systems like ChatGPT are suffering from what is termed “hallucinations,” which are factually incorrect outputs, misinformation, disinformation and other problematic results that […]
By S.D. Wells
MEDICAL QUACKERY: Health authorities IGNORE the science when it does not serve their narrative
Health authorities in America love to tell the populace to “follow the science,” but that’s exactly what they avoid doing when it does not serve their narrative. This is the case with the Fauci Flu jabs, also called the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) “vaccines,” even though they’re NOT vaccines at all and were never approved by the Food […]
By S.D. Wells
The IMPORTATION and EXPORTATION practices that are crippling America
It is more than obvious that the Biden administration’s main goal is to systematically turn America into a communist country by dismantling the constitution, destroying the middle class, and fixing the elections so the Democrats remain in power for good. As the supply chain crumbles more and more each day, the cost of goods is […]
By S.D. Wells
Top 7 UNCONVENTIONAL weapons of mass destruction
Many people are familiar with conventional weapons, such as combat helicopters, warships, landmines and artillery. Then there are weapons of mass destruction, including nuclear bombs, nuclear missiles and weapons that are radiological, chemical and biological. What most people don’t think much about as being weapons of mass destruction are those that are categorized as “medicine” […]
By S.D. Wells
Government-mandated DEATH CHOICES: New York won’t outlaw deadly vaccines that kill people but will outlaw tobacco products that kill people
Prohibition is the act of forbidding by law the manufacture, sale, possession, or consumption of something. Many people are aware of alcohol prohibition that took place in the United States from 1920 to 1933. During that period, speak easies popped up everywhere, as illicit establishments that sold adult beverages. Owners and operators of these “underground” […]
By S.D. Wells
“Science” achieves CONSENSUS via CENSORSHIP, and Neil DeGrasse Tyson cheers it on
The “science” is always “settled,” except when it’s not. Science is ongoing research that can advance, change, alter, morph, or even be wrong based on some “consensus” that was reached due to favorable evidence at some point in time. The “scientific community” has become nothing short of an authoritarian dictatorship that shoves theories down everyone’s […]
By S.D. Wells
Top 5 FOOD CHEMICALS on the chopping block in California that damage the human brain, CNS, hormones, behavior and gut health
While the police-state of California constantly pushes for mandatory toxic vaccinations for all children, they ironically push to ban chemicals from food. It’s quite hypocritical, to keep cancer-causing agents out of the food supply while allowing them to invade the blood supply via carcinogenic injections, but so is the most recent action, according to California […]
By S.D. Wells
Top 6 most important FALSE NARRATIVES the Biden Regime does NOT want challenged
A narrative is defined as a spoken or written account of connected events, also known as a story. In the news, narratives are often used to justify government actions or events so the populace will support them, but motives for this can be quite insidious, and the narratives themselves are often boldface lies that are […]
By S.D. Wells
“Digi-Dog” Police ROBOTS set to take over New York City and “POLICE” any protests about Big Government tyranny or the next plandemic
Get ready for fully-armed robotic dogs to “arrest” people on the streets of New York City should they choose to disobey the new communist tyranny in the CCP-Democrat run city. Mainstream media is trying to portray the new NYC cop-bots as a good idea, totally cute and peaceful and helpful for the inhabitants of the […]
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