08/30/2024 / By News Editors
History rhymes, as they say.
(Article republished from ArmageddonProse.Substack.com)
Reconquered Spain has been un-reconquered, it seems, which begs the question: when will the Re-Reconquista kick off?
Via Britannica (emphasis added):
“Reconquista, in medieval Spain and Portugal, a series of campaigns by Christian states to recapture territory from the Muslims (Moors), who had occupied most of the Iberian Peninsula in the early 8th century…
Many historians believe that the crusading spirit of the Reconquista was preserved in the subsequent Spanish emphasis on religious uniformity, evidenced by the strong influence of the Inquisition.”
All that blood sweat, and tears from those bloody centuries is now undone by a treasonous elite intentionally destroying the nation from within — a story that has played itself out across Europe now for a few decades, accelerated dramatically in the last ten years.
Jim Watkins asked me on the radio (apologies for the poor audio) a week ago why the technocrats who run the nations of Western Europe hold such disdain for their native populations that they are willing to destroy the fabric of those societies for the sake of importing throngs of so-called “migrants” or “refugees” or whatever NGO term du jour.
Even after having read multiple books on this specific topic, like “The Strange Death of Europe” by Douglas Murray, I still can’t say I understand what’s going on for sure.
There are probably a lot of reasons, but not the least of which is that these people they’re importing are much easier to control. They have no historical appreciation for the values of the West instilled over centuries by the Renaissance, Enlightenment, etc., and by Christianity before that. Western civilization didn’t spring up out of nowhere; it had to be nurtured for many, many generations before it bloomed into what it became.
For all of their merits, civil liberties and free market enterprise and all of that good stuff is quite an inconvenience to aspirational totalitarians, so importing these people and tossing them on the government dole would be a great way to get rid of the obstruction to the birth our Brave New World — to get back to a more suitable feudalistic model, although this time with a technetronic overlay for maximum power and control.
NGOs of the George Soros variety that quarterback the invasion teach the so-called migrants how to massage the bureaucracy to stay in Europe as long as possible by claiming “refugee” status and then forcing the government by fiat law to accommodate them. They initially claim they are transiting through Europe, then, once they’re there, morph into refugees which cascades into a labyrinthine bureaucratic process of vetting that makes getting rid of them difficult.
Via InfoMigrants, January 30, 2024 (emphasis added):
“The Spanish Commission for Refugees, known by the abbreviation CEAR, has described the situation at the Barajas airport in the Spanish capital as “unsustainable,” while a journalist described how a woman slept on the floor with her two children for 16 days without a toothbrush and with only two pads when she got her period…
CEAR told Reuters that most of the migrants are from African countries such as Senegal, Mali, Equatorial Guinea and Morocco, but some are also from Colombia and Venezuela.
Police unions have reportedly complained of Senegalese passport holders, who were on their way to Brazil, requesting asylum while on a layover in Madrid.
The overcrowding and other problems at the airport are due to the fact that those arriving without a visa or the necessary documents to enter Spain have to wait for their entry to be granted or refused, which takes 10-20 days, according to CEAR. A shortage of interpreters is slowing the process down even further.”
So what you get is chaotic scenes like this — whole European airports overrun by “migrants”
Read more at: ArmageddonProse.Substack.com
Tagged Under:
Africa, big government, border security, chaos, Collapse, conspiracy, current events, Dangerous, deception, globalists, illegal immigration, Immigration, insanity, migrants, national security, Open Borders, refugees, Spain, Xpost
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