08/27/2024 / By News Editors
It’s clear the Democrat convention hasn’t lived up to the buzzword their machine used. Let’s face it, when anger and negativity towards Trump becomes the focus, you can’t call that “joy.” When they parade their important issues, these are not joyful. The violence outside and implied violence toward those who disagree isn’t either. With the backdrop of the mobile van to give free live abortions and vasectomies, they move their emphasis to what is one of the most unusual single issues of all time. Abortion. Even the Happy Warrior Hubert Humphrey would have a hard time being happy at this kind of focus.
(Article by David Prentice republished from AllNewsPipeline.com)
My brother asked me if I watched the first day of “the liars, freaks and demons at the DNC” (from his text). For me, the decision not to watch was easy. I knew that video and truthful, full reports would be easy to find. One thing for sure, my brother’s characterization was accurate. It seemed to be a renewed culture of death coming out into the open, baring itself for anyone with eyes to see.
Back in the 1980s Pope John Paul II coined the phrase “the culture of death.” He pointed at abortion but spoke of the much deeper context of being anti-God, anti-human, and anti-life. Ronald Reagan understood this, and how it diminished our nation and pointed it out as a major obstacle to greatness. He communicated his passion about this issue to the public, swaying opinion in a substantial way. Together, Reagan, Margaret Thatcher, and John Paul had a major impact on history and the fall of the Soviet empire.
The concurrent and awesome renewal of the 1980s made America a great nation again. Once again, people could live fairly normal yet exciting lives. Business thrived, wealth was created, people grew intellectually and spiritually. The peace was won, we were moving towards a culture of life. Goodness was elevated.
Early in The Lord of the Rings, Tolkien describes how evil had gone underground after losing a great battle long before his new story. Retreated so it could become stronger again for another time. We are not living in Middle Earth, but we figuratively face the same situation. Evils rising anew from this death culture. Openly displayed by the liars, freaks and demons as normal life. Here is what this death culture stands for:
Abortion on demand until the moment of birth including babies breathing and out of the womb. Belief in the mandate of abortion that borders on the ancient practice of child sacrifice. Their abortion van belies the Clinton phrase of “safe, legal, and rare,” attempting to make it into the most important issue of our day. Which it is not. Far from it.
Democrats have also made themselves into the party of endless war. Killing off a generation of Ukrainians. Sending billions upon billions of dollars to Ukraine’s corrupt dictator without a way to carefully trace how it is used. They have allowed Iran to sell oil, released them from the sanctions put on by Trump. Allowing that terrorist nation to fund Hamas, finish its ability to become a nation with a nuclear bomb, and continue funding global terrorism everywhere. Mass death has historically followed the Left. Jack Posobiec and Tucker Carlson have suggested maybe that’s the point of their beloved system of communism.
They have become the hate America as founded party. The only surprise: They didn’t chant “Death to America” before every speaker. It’s clear they have incorporated this hatred into their platform, wanting America to pay forever and always for the sins of slavery, whiteness, capitalism, homophobia, and female subjugation. Nonsensical, yes, but that’s what Obama meant by “transforming America.” It’s what they all mean on that subject. They intend to make us a DEI nation rather than one nation under God. A nation championing victimhood, whiners, freaks, and deviants. All a necessary part of a death culture.
Read more at: AllNewsPipeline.com
Tagged Under:
abortions, big government, cancel Democrats, communism, culture of death, culture wars, demonic times, DNC, evil, infanticide, insanity, left cult, politics, terrorism, Twisted, violence, Vote Republican, War, Xpost
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